Health Guarantee

The seller provides a one-year guarantee against life-threatening genetic defects for any dog purchased. Within 48 hours of receiving the dog, the buyer must arrange for a health check by their local vet; failure to do so within this timeframe renders the contract null and void.

The seller is not liable for normal incidents such as hypoglycemia, internal or external parasites, coccidia, giardia, or issues arising from stress due to a new environment, changes in food and water, heat, teething, or the dog ingesting non-food items. Any veterinary bills incurred are the sole responsibility of the buyer. Treatment for kennel cough is not covered, as it is manageable with antibiotics.

Each dog undergoes a comprehensive examination by a local veterinarian before sale, with any disclosed abnormalities allowing the buyer to opt for a refund of the deposit and discontinue the sale if the dog is not deemed completely normal and healthy.

If a threatening defect is identified by the buyer's vet, a second opinion is required. If the second opinion confirms the defect, the buyer must return the dog to the seller at their expense. A replacement dog of equal value will be provided by the seller, with the buyer covering shipping charges. All veterinary expenses remain the responsibility of the buyer.

In the unfortunate event of the dog's death, the buyer must arrange for an autopsy by a licensed veterinarian to confirm the cause of death.