Clean as a whistle

We are so blessed to be able to live this life raising our girls and our fur babies! Its a lot of work but we wouldn’t change a thing! 

Here's a picture of the girls and i cleaning one of our pens, and while i was cleaning a thought popped in my head about how our mindset has changed over the last couple of years. Transitioning from a dog owner to a breeder, and one of those things is learning the level of cleanliness is takes to raise a healthy litter! Its the same as a newborn baby. You make everyone wash their hands before holding him/her, well its exactly the same with a new puppy. Everything has to be sterile and clean, you have to be vigilant. Its such a common thing to be like "oh its just a dog or puppy" it doesn’t  need to be so clean! Well thats the farthest thing from the truth! We strive everyday to learn new ways to keep them healthy and thriving, and take all the precautions necessary! Its a never ending battle! You have to have a passion for what you do, to make all the hours worth it! 

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